Friday Five Challenge ~ #BuyorPass ~ Christmas Spirit by Susan Buchanan #FridayFiveChallenge

Rosie Amber’s Friday Five Challenge, involves taking only five minutes to choose a book cover which appeals instantly. So take a few minutes, pour yourself a coffee…..and have a browse.


In today’s online shopping age, readers often base their buying decisions from small postage stamp size book covers (Thumb-nails), a quick glance at the book description and the review. How much time do they really spend making that buying decision?

AUTHORS – You often only have seconds to get a reader to buy your book, is your book cover and book bio up to it?

My Friday Five Challenge is this….. IN ONLY FIVE MINUTES….

1) Go to any online book supplier,

2) Randomly choose a category,

3) Speed through the book covers, choose one which has instantly appealed to your eye,

4) Read the book Bio/ Description for this book, and any other details.

5) If there are reviews, check out a couple,

6) Make an instant decision, would you BUY or PASS?

This week I decided to check out Amazon’s Kindle recommendations for me. This was the first one which made me want to click on it. I’s only August but I couldn’t resist. 


The book description reads…

Christmas is coming, but not everyone is looking forward to it. 
Rebecca has just been dumped and the prospect of spending the holiday period with her parents is less than appealing. 
Eighty-two year old Stanley lost his beloved wife, Edie, to cancer. How will he cope with his first Christmas without her? 
Jacob’s university degree hasn’t helped him get a job, and it looks like he’ll still be signing on come New Year. 
Workaholic Meredith would rather spend December 25th at home alone with a ready meal and a DVD box set. Can anything make her embrace the spirit of the season? 
The enigmatic Natalie Hope takes over the reins at the Sugar and Spice bakery and café in an attempt to spread some festive cheer and restore Christmas spirit, but will she succeed?

Price: £1.99/$3.13

Pages: 166 

The cover conveys the basis of the story straight away and is bright and cheerful, I like the font and colours. I’d pick this up in book shop.

The reviews are positive on both Amazon sites. Out of 56 on Amazon UK there are 38 at 5* and 14 at 4* coming in at 4.6 overall. Roughly the same kind of percentage on Amazon US with only a couple of negative ones. The impression I get skimming the reviews is a feel good story epitomising Christmas good will and cheer. Apparently there’s a hint of magic involving the main character who, apart from trying to help her chosen four people improve their lives and have a happy Christmas, makes amazing cakes. Each of the characters has problems and/or issues and I like how the story looks at the different people and how they experience Christmas. It’s set in a little village near the beautiful Loch Lomond, which is part of the draw for me.

Would I BUY or PASS ~ I’d BUY I’m not particularly a seasonal reader but I may just save this for Christmas. Being quite nostalgic (I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve watched Miracle on 34th Street) I love a good Christmas story and this seems like a lighthearted, feel good read with probably a happy ending. Perfect for the season (and under £2, just ;-)), curled up cosily on the sofa with snow falling (I live in hope) and the Christmas tree lights twinkling.

If you’d like to enter next week’s challenge, and the more the merrier, check out Rosie’s blog to read about the Friday Five Challenge.

More Friday Five Challenges…

Rosie searched Nightdress and found Irish comedy

Barb found a sweet children’s book about a dog

Alison chose historical fiction

Liz searched under Algarve and found a mystery

Terry goes for beauty tips

Shelley is on holiday, so she’s doing a recap of previous Friday Five Challenges

9 thoughts on “Friday Five Challenge ~ #BuyorPass ~ Christmas Spirit by Susan Buchanan #FridayFiveChallenge

  1. I quite agree the cover says cosy Christmas read full of charm and goodwill with a few hiccups on the way. I think I’d prefer to read this around Christmas, a reasonable price, I wouldn’t buy now but would bear it in mind for the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I beta read this book and thought it was pretty dire. It has some nice ideas in it but it’s sloppily written and full of cliches; it was banged out in 4 weeks to catch the Christmas market, and you can tell.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s not really my cup of tea but I can definitely see the appeal and can imagine that this would sell really well at Christmas, but judging by Terry’s comment, quite a few people may well end up disappointed.

    Liked by 1 person

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